Monday, June 18, 2012

Home Sweet Knoxville

Well, we have finally made it to home sweet Knoxville. The town we were born and raised. We love this place so much - our memories, the mountains, knowing where everything is, our families and friends. It is wonderful to be home! 

Since we are home, we jumped right back into a normal routine as if it hadn't been 7 months since we'd last been here. Team Preston actually split into 2 camps - I spent the day and evening with my mom and sister, and Josh set up camp at Casa de Preston. It was much needed nuclear family time.

My mom and I ran errands - we needed to find anti-anxiety meds for Mr. McGee and Father's Day cards for all the dads in our lives. But we got side-tracked with a new antique boutique in South Knoxville. We had a blast and even tried on old hats:

Later that night, the "three Bailey women" all went out for dinner. It was so delicious to be able to sit on a patio and eat a meal without sweat dripping off of me! We enjoyed it so much and I definitely over-ate. I told the girls that I was going to photo-document this trip, so they were more than happy to pose for some photos.

Jessie Lynn (sister)

Momma taking pictures for her cell phone contacts.

We ended the night with some White Sangria. It is by far the BEST sangria I've ever had. I won't even touch a red sangria! Here's the recipe:

White Sangria

Frozen peaches
Peach Schnapps
Ginger Ale

Soak the peaches in the peach schnapps. Mix riesling, schnapps, and peaches together (doesn't really matter the amounts - play with the kind of taste you like). Then add a splash or more of ginger ale (depending on how fizzy you like your drinks). We think it's the perfect summer time, girls' night drink. Enjoy!

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