Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday's Favorites

Another week, another dollar. Oh wait, I like being frugal. I also like being "green." Since being "green" can be so expensive, what is a girl to do? Accept free stuff and bargain hunt!

So, this week, my favorite product is this:

Nature's Gate Lotion. I found this originally at a health food store in Tennessee. It was $10. However, it lasted from April to November - pretty dang good for an 18 ounce bottle! The lotion is thick, so you don't need to use a lot. I love this stuff! I like to cut corners, but I'm so glad I didn't cut corners when it came to choosing this product. I use it daily and my skin feel delicious all day - even in this Florida humidity and wind.

I love it even more now that I found it for $5 at our Commissary. (I may have freaked some other customers out with my enthusiasm on the Health & Beauty aisle.) Sorry, civilians, I doubt you'll find it that cheap where you live. However, it is a great investment because it has none of the icky stuff or harsh chemicals or ingredients you can't pronounce. Everything is plant derived and free of extra additives. Plus, the fragrance is almost undetectable, so that you don't walk around the rest of the day smelling like you walked through a chemical spray.

Happy Friday!

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